Not enough time in your busy life to add to the global Twitter conversation on weighty political matters? Feel free to borrow from this arsenal of 1st Amendment fireworks for thoughtful activists.
Proof that God is dead: Trump is alive.
#Trump batting 1000 on #7DeadlySins: Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, Sloth. His greatest defenders: Evangelist “Christians”
Trump' 3 favorite Bible verses that he's never read:
“I am the LORD thy God, & Thou shalt have no other gods before me!” Exodus 20: 2-4
“Revenge is mine, I will repay them in due time, their day of destruction is at hand!” Deut 32:35
“The poorly educated shall inherit the earth!” Matthew 5:3–12
Trump Lance Armstrong ethic: Everybody lies & cheats, so I’ll win by being the best liar & cheater while defaming & destroying anybody who says I lie & cheat.
Every new Trump tweet or act confirms the only true statement he’s ever made: "I could shoot somebody on 5th Ave and not lose any votes!"
Thanks to Trump and his sycophants, this is first time in US history Fact has been dismissed as Fake News, and self-serving Lies presented as Fact.
Trump & GOP projection defense to all critics, liberal & conservative: "I know you are, but what am I?" "I'm rubber, you're glue -- anything you say bounces off me and sticks on you!"
FYI, #Media: #Trump is a News/Attention Junkie. His daily Fix is YOU. So start treating him like YOUR needy bitch, not other way around. (media)
OpioidCrisis: Since U can’t Just SayNo to Coke & psycho governance, Demento Don, how do you expect Americans to JSN to Painkillers?
Years it took to get rid of #Trump role-models: Caligula - 4; IvanTheTerrible -7; Vlad the Impaler (Dracula) - 7; AttilaTheHun -19; Mad King George III- 60; Hitler- 12
Proof that Hitler banked his sperm:
Hitler’s 10 MEIN KAMPF quotes that his son, Fuhrer #Trump, lives by:
1. It is not truth that matters, but victory.
2. The victor will never be asked if he told the truth.
3. Success is the sole earthly judge of right and wrong.
4. If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.
5. What good fortune for governments that the people do not think.
6. Any alliance whose purpose is not the intention to wage war is senseless and useless.
7. Those who want to live, let them fight; Those who don’t do not deserve to live.
8. Humanitarianism is the expression of stupidity and cowardice.
9. All propaganda must address least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.
10. Who says I am not under the special protection of God?
Stable Genius: Did you miss Trump Univ. History class on your heroes? Mussolini: shot, hung from Milan roof. Hitler: suicide, burned in Berlin street.
.#Trump didn’t just “incite” the #insurrection, he planned and orchestrated it: DC & Capital Police & National Guard were ordered to stand down, while rioters were given Cap.bldg floor plan and rooms to invade.
1/6/21Wash DC Déjà vu: Germany 1923, Nazi ProudBoys MAGA Beer Hall Putsch —16 killed by police, Hitler jailed for Treason. .
To all, including anti-Trumpers, who suggest “moving on” for unity: Did the NurembergTrials of all Hitler enablers prevent Germany from moving on, or were they a moral imperative to prevent a fourth Reich?
InsanityDefense replaced by the MAGA Mentally Retarded Defense: “Trump told me so, so I take no responsibility for riot and murder!”
Congress: Pass domestic terrorist Amendment ASAP: If any president, in his last days, incites a gov overthrow, inauguration of incoming pres & transfer of power will happen immediately!
Companion Amendment: Any site that carries treasonous, violence-inducing posts will be shut down and its principals prosecuted.
Most dangerous uncontrolled substance in Man’s 30,000 years: #Testosterone. Killing billions more than all alcohol & Schedule 1 drugs combined, now peaking with Qanon, Oath Keeper, Boogaloo and ProudBoy militia bullies.
Dems say "History won't forget what Trump & GOP did!" Repugs reply: ”We don't give a f**k 'cause we'll be dead!" The shameless cannot be shamed.
When traitor Trump dies, will he be allowed to lie in state in Capital Bldg he incited his traitors to invade & vandalize?
Words matter: Trump’s Top 10 calls for violence at his Reich rallies:
"Part of the problem ... is nobody wants to hurt each other anymore."
"The audience hit back. That's what we need a little bit more of."
"In the good old days this doesn't happen because they used to treat them very, very rough."
Of Protesters at his rallies:
“Maybe he should have been roughed up."
"Try not to hurt him. If you do, I'll defend you in court, don't worry about it."
"I don’t know if I’ll do the fighting myself or if other people will."
"I'd like to punch him in the face."
“Knock the crap out of them, would you?
“Any guy who can do a body-slam ... he’s my guy.”
“Yes, he deserved it [being punched]. The next time we see him, we might have to kill him.”
What Trump & his SS terrorists did on 1/6/20 was not mere victimless “Sedition,” but murderous militant Treason which, according to Constitution, is a hangable offense.
GOP “move on” policy for “healing” injured democracy: HIT AND RUN!
FYI, GOP: A nation cannot be "healed" by putting a band-aide on gangrene.
Republicans: Really want Unity? Your turn to reach across the aisle to Dem majority: Convict Trump, evict inciter traitors #Hawley, Cruz & Co., unanimously declare that election was NOT stolen. Only then do we move forward!
Congress: If a president cannot be impeached for broadcasting 30,000 self-serving lies, being an accessory to the death of 400,000+ Americans, and fomenting a Capital insurrection killing, wounding & terrorizing many, then eliminate the Constitution Impeachment clause.
#GOP #RussiaGate, UkraineGate & InsurrectionGate deniers: Convicted or not, your Jonestown Kool-Aide MAGA messiah won’t be going down alone. Happy Apocalypse!
After #Impeachment for Treason, a fate worse than death for narcissist, exhibitionist tyrant, #Trump: Solitary Confinement in Gitmo
Trump: If you really don't like losers, why are you still rooting for the Nazis and Confederacy?
2 simple Questions to Trump, KKK & NeoNazis. 1. Do you want Slavery again? 2. Do you wish Hitler had won WWII?
American Exceptionalism: What group most preaches #WhiteSupremacy? WhiteTrash.
#Qanon culture elite college Dems are trying to “Cancel”: Gun Shows, Nascar, Biker rallies, KKK crossburning. Irreparable loss to human civilization!
Qanon projectionist “logic”: Anybody who supports ProChoice must also molest and eat babies; lying Jews control the media so must also use space lasers to set CA hellfires; Gun Control advocates invented all school shootings to kill 2nd Amendment.
#StephenMiller: Since you’re a NeoNazi and a Jew, why not show the power of your AltReich convictions and self-deport to Auschwitz?
If he's serious about AltReich Eugenics, Stable Genius Trump is the first guy who should castrate himself, followed by Stephen Miller, Ted Cruz, and Josh Hawley.
Why does everybody keep hoping Trumpers will see reason much less morality, decency, and truth ? As they've proved in 4 years, neither is in their DNA.
Jesus’ words to racist white Christians: ”Woe to you… you are like whitewashed tombs… full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean." (Matthew 23:27)
GOP: Really want to stop Illegal Immigration? Forget the Border Wall - retroactively fine every major business owner $1000 for every nondoc worker employed. Trump’s fine: YUUUGE
Wanna stop illegal immigration cold, Republicans? Forget a Wall - Put Marjorie Taylor Greene and Sarah Huckabee at the border without make-up.
Media: Thx for supporting democracy by covering the Fascist MAGA marches & rallies. To skyrocket your ratings & make MAGA $$$, regret you weren’t around to cover Hitler & Mussolini rallies?
“Fourth Estate”: Has it occurred to you that Trump is using Goebbels' Nazi playbook on you: "Think of the press as a keyboard on which government can play!”
MAGA: When America was indeed great, GOP was a rational, moral party, but then became repugnant when overrun by the real RINOs — the power-drunk, fascist, fake Christian Trinity: Nixon, Reagan, Trump.
When America was truly MAGA great, lying was a liability. Today, as Trump & GOP prove, it's an indispensible asset.
Old #GOP: Anti-Authoritarian, Anti-Deficit spending, Pro-Law, Pro-DOJ/FBI Law, ProStates rights. New GOP: Pro-Putin, Pro-D'spending, Anti-Law & States rights. But they still don't believe in evolution?
Old US politics: flatter & schmooze your way to the top. New #Trump politics: Smear & humiliate everybody – and get 53% of women vote, 43% of Hispanic, 34% of Muslims, plus tyrant lapdogs.
Today’s “Republicans” put Party over Country? No, they think their Party IS Country, and everybody else an illegal immigrant who should self-deport to MAGA.
In today’s GOP, "Moderate" means you won't execute gays, carpet bomb the Iran, force a woman to bear her rapist's child, or legalize shooting of unarmed blacks - yet.
GOP: Spare us the "Party of Lincoln" bullshit. If Abe were president today, every one of you would be a John Wilkes Booth.
Dismantle #GOP nuclear Triad against Democracy: #Gerrymandering, Voter Suppression, Electoral College handicapping.
Trump a GOP “cancer”? As even his Goebbels, Rush Limbaugh, will admit: Cancer is not a foreign pathogen but a host’s own cells dividing wildly, killing all healthy ones.
Except for Carter, no other recent president got elected by telling more truths than lies – and Repugs call this real Christian a weakling & failure.
To all who embrace #Bush Jr, post-Trump: Forgetting that W’s the guy who used phony intel to trigger a War for Oil, killing hundred of thousands of innocent Iraqis, and destabilizing entire Middle East?
Kudos to #Republicans who have left the party. But how can they have failed to see the #racism and authoritarianism in the DNA of their party since Nixon?
Libertarians, TeaPartiers, & Qanon Pols who hate Big Government: Are you forgetting one small detail? You ARE Government. So, fire yourselves for Freedom.
You can lead a Trumpanzee to water but you can't make him think.
If ignorance is bliss, why are Trumpanzees so pissed?
America’s #1 Problem: We can impeach tyrant Trump, but we cannot impeach the ignorance and violent prejudice of Americans who made him president.
Since stupidity is a pre-existing condition, will Obamacare cover brain transplants for Teabaggers and Boogaloo Boys?
Why Repugs like leaded water: It leads to brain damage, which leads to Trump thinking.
Will “Stable Genius” Prez sign an executive order requiring 80 million Americans to drink Flint water til brain damage sets in and they vote for him in ‘24?
You cannot say millions of Americans were “duped” by Trump’s “Stop the Steel” election lies, and at the same time say they are not idiotys, much less deplorables.
Trumplicans: Since you don’t believe in science, if your elitist doctor says you’ve got a terminal disease, fire him and find a faith healer.
If money didn’t exist, would all Republicans commit suicide?
Capitalism violates true Democracy because it always creates rule by wealth: An OIigarchy of the 1%.
GNP GOP capitalists: Growth for the sake of growth is the goal of the cancer cell
Trickledown Economics: When the GOP 1% first introduced golden shower waterboarding to the 99%
Paradise for plutocrats: Free labor. American Capitalists 1st used slaves, then Chinese, then kids, now Hispanics. Who's NEXT?
Right-wingers are right! Drug test all Welfare parasites… starting with corporate execs snorting incentives and tax breaks w/ $1,000 bills.
Why is #TaxCode 70K pages? Bc armies of lawyers 4 Trump & other corp fat cats keep creating loopholes requiring more&more provisions to close
Since $$$ runs our country and SCOTUS says Corps R People, America is no less a corruptocracy than Russia
SCOTUS says Corps = People? Except for one little detail that makes a true person: A Conscience.
Wall Street is Vegas on steroids: It’s the only place in US – except Wash DC -- where Grand Larceny, Fraud, and Racketeering are legal. And the house always wins because when it “loses” we taxpayers pick up the tab.
#BankruptcyLaw must be changed. As it stands now, it legalizes Grand Larceny on creditors by ArtOftheSteal felons like Trump.
Trump: In your teary farewell to your kid brother in the White House, did you take a minute to chisel the family gold from his teeth?
ArtOfTheSteal Trump clan should be sentenced to eating stolen $1000 bills til their collective colon explodes.
Pity God. Republicans made Him in their own image.
Pity Jesus: Christian self-advertisers only have room for his crucifix in their cleavage, inked on their arm, or hanging from their neck as a fashion statement.
GOP Counterfeit Christians: Spare us the 2nd Coming BS. If Christ came back, you’d crucify him for Loaves&Fishes Foodstamps, ACA healing, and driving out Wall St. moneylenders.
Biggest “Loser” in Trump world: Jesus Christ: Worked for free, fed poor, healed sick, sacrificed himself to all humanity on the Cross. Messiah Trump preaches: “I hate to tell you -- I don’t like my Saviors crucified, alright?”
Though their faith is based on Talking Snakes, Parting Seas, Virgin Birth and Walking on Water, Trump says “Evangelicals don’t like liars!” while Jesus warned: “Many false prophets shall rise and deceive many.” (Matthew 24:11)
Said Jesus: “Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves!” Matthew 7:15. (More: Rev. 19:20, Luke 6:26, Mark 13:12. Rev.19:20
Because we are a money-worshipping Christian Capitalist nation, IN GOD WE TRUST is engraved on every bill, with the busts of slave owners.
“Prosperity Gospel” Plutocrat 1% to the 99%: "Wheresover your wallet shall be, there shall my hand also!"
Jesus’ gravestone epitaph for every Prosperity Televangelist, Graham Jr., Osteen, et al: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” (Matthew 19:24)
Evangelist: Anyone working for his own redemption & paradise by pretending to work for someone else's.
When an Evangelist gives you a WatchTower or WonderBread, he’s making a deposit in his own salvation account, not yours.
New Congress: Vote to cancel tax-free status of political activist churches & orgs that bankrolled Trump's insurrection.
If your religion is worth killing for, lead by example: start with yourself.
Abort fundamentalist Christians before they become reborn and kill democracy for theocracy.
Believers: If you support child molesters, moneychangers, ArtOfTheSteal con men, confederate slave holders – have the honesty to stop calling yourselves “Christians.”
1. No Gods before me… Except the In-God-We-Trust Dollar.
2. No Graven image worship… Except the Flag & Dixie monuments.
3. No taking God’s name in vain… Or President Anti-Christ.
4. No work on the Sabbath.... Except for Welfare cheats who never work.
5. No dishonoring Father or Mother…Unless they support Planned Parenthood.
6. No killing… Except for nonWhites, LGBTs & Planned Parenthood docs.
7. No Adultery… Except when shagging your constituents or parishioners.
8. No stealing… Unless you’re Wall Street or ArtOfTheSteal Don the Con.
9. No bearing false witness against thy neighbor… Unless s/he’s gay, Green, or Hillary.
10. No coveting thy neighbor’s wife, maidservant, or ass… Unless she’s hot or vetted by Epstein.
Why is the GOP so crazy about #Christianity? Napoleon’s answer: "Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."
According to Christian Prosperity Gospel, what item was missing from Jesus’ crucifixion? A MAGA T-shirt concession.
Believers: Why must man abandon his only Godlike trait -- Reason — to believe in God?
Jews, God’s “Chosen,” prayed their hearts out during the #Holocaust. Would God have answered if they were Christian prayers?
Why do Christians buy life insurance when they keep insisting they’ve already got it?
Between Old & New Testaments God changed His people policy: Curse&Kill > Forgive&Save. Can God change His policy & still be God?
In God We Trust? After 30,000 years of Floods, Famines, & Epidemics on innocent people – Why?
God, the loving and merciful comforter of good and wise men? "Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." (Proverbs 1:7)
If Jesus is a Universal Donor, is he O Negative? Or, if he, though a Jew, just donates to Christians, A(ryan) Positive?
When will there be an AA for the most insatiable addiction of all: Jesus' blood?
WarOnChristians? Believe it when Congress is run by pagans and they bring back the Roman Coliseum.
Why so many more Christians today than in Rome? No more lions to weed out the salvation & forgiveness freeloaders. So many Christians4Life today, so few Lions4Choice.
Where do you find more Reborn Christians than church? Prison.
Settled Political Science, post-Eisenhower: Democrat = Party of head & heart. Republican = Party of dick & gallbladder.
Today, progressives define themselves by who & what they love; Conservatives by who & what they hate.
Congressional OK Corral: 2nd Amendment MAGAS bring bombs and AR-15s, 1st A Dems bring explosive adjectives -- “Unprecedented!“ “Appalling!” “Unconscionable!” “Dangerous!”
After raising a violent fascist force of 70 Million, Trump nearly killed our 240 year old democracy -- and the most Biden, Obama and Dems can say is: “It’s an embarrassment.”
In electoral baseball, GOP pitchers throw spitters, knucklers & beaners, then pay off umps while Dems whine, “No fair!”
Game of US Politics: Go-Low GOP plays hardball, Go-High Dems Softball; Go-Low GOP Tackle, Go-High Dems Touch. Wanna win, Dems? Find your balls & play offense.
Dem mantra: "GOP goes low, we go high!" Nice idea but, historically, most who've tried it (Jesus, Apostles, MLK, Gandhi, Sadat, et al) have either gotten nailed up or gunned down. Meanwhile, bottomliners – Caesar, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Hitler, et al – overran the world.
Who’s helping Biden & Dems most: Never-Trump Republicans. As #LincolnProject says to snowflakes and hand-wringers: “We go low, so you don’t have to.”
#GOP investigates Dems on everything (Hillary’s emails, Benghazi, Bill’s blowjob, etc); Dems investigate GOP on next to nothing (9/11, IraqWar, Russiagate, etc)
Dem Achilles heel: Spinelessness & surrender. Hillary immediately concedes to Trump without recount demand; Al Gore to Bush in Florida; Al Franken refuses to fight for his seat in Senate; etc etc. Say what you will about Repugs, but they fight to the death.
Biggest Democrat failure in 50 years: Party’s inability to convince Working Class it works for them (UnEmployment Ins., healthcare, wage hikes, anti-discrimination, etc) while GOP only works for the rich & privileged.
Number 1 GOP Truth: The greatest obstacle to winning a US election is Honesty.
If election of lying, cheating, bullying Trump proves nothing else, it’s this: In today’s US politics, a Conscience is the greatest liability.
SCOTUS ruled that in a true Democracy 1 Person = 1 Vote. So, when will the court outlaw ElectoralCollege & Primary Delegate system?
The 5 presidents who lost by Popular Vote, but won by the ElectoralCollege, were all Republican: Adams, Hayes, Harrison, G. W. Bush, Trump. Coincidence?
Congress: Create a new designation for Presidents: P Presidents (Popular vote winners - Dems); EC Presidents (ElectoralCollege winners - GOP).
Media: Since #Trump lost popular vote by 7 million, and he now has lowest pop rating of any Pres, can we plz stop calling him the “Populist President”?
ElectoralCollege handicapping: Vote of 1 Red Wyoming or Montana resident is worth 3X a Blue Californian or NewYorker.
If not for #ElectoralCollege, Voter purge, Gerrymandering, Smearing, Lying, SuperPac$$$, GOP couldn't win another national election
If voting were compulsory in US, as in Australia, GOP would never win another election. Voter purging = GOP survival.
If voter purging & buying votes isn’t enough to win WhiteHouse in ‘24, will GOP exercise its 2nd Amendment Rights and threaten to shoot minorities at polls?
Trumpanzees: If your home team loses the Superbowl, why not scream StopTheSteal! and threaten to hang all NFL officials who refuse to disqualify rival’s touchdowns?
Psycho Tyrant Trump is only a symptom of the national hate pandemic: the 74 million who voted for him ARE the disease for which there is no vaccine.
When 53% of women, 34% of Muslims and 43% of #Hispanics vote for a misogynist, xenophobic racist this is more than a TrumpCult -- it's a #StockholmSyndrome pandemic.
Latinos4Trump (45% in Florida & 43%Texas): How did the racist-in-chief win your hearts– by calling you rapists, criminals, scum, and caging your children?
Amendment to 19thAmendment: Since women were denied vote for so long, isn’t it only fair we purge men from voting rolls until the GrandOldPrick GOP dies?
Why rich Republicans love war so much: They get all the spoils and land, while getting others to do all the dying.
Every politician who votes YES for future wars or “moral” interventions should be legally bound to send their own children first.
Flightless Right-Wing ChickenHawks who never served, TOP 10: Trump, Reagan, Cheney, Romney, Rove, O’Reilly, RushLimbaugh, Gingrich, Giuliani, McConnell.
Since only Oil Corps & Israel-crazy RW Christians have a stake in MiddleEast, make them spend their own $$$ & lives to stop the civil wars
Stop making the U.S. Military and our Middle East embassies the security arm of the Oil Industry!
Young Americans: Before you enlist & get shipped to MiddleEast, ask yourself: Will I be protecting my country, or just the occupation by Big Oil?
How soon before war-loving GOP starts harvesting & selling organs of dead GIs to bankroll their next war?
GOP Foreign Policy Rule 1: When you're raping a country for “democracy,” never withdraw prematurely.
2003 Bush 90% approval 4 WMD lying & invading Iraq ($4Trillion & 500,000 deaths); 2014 Obama 38% approval for peace & negotiation. USA!
Pakistan got the Bomb under Reagan; North Korea under Bush Jr. Republicans: Who’s soft on nuclear proliferation by rogue nations?
WTF File: The only country that used the Atom Bomb – twice, on civilians – is the country that decides who’s civilized enough to make one of their own.
Those without the brains to express themselves make the 2nd Amendment their 1st Amendment.
Since the sole purpose of a gun is to kill things - usually people - isn't "Gun-Safety" an oxymoron?
America’s greatest postpartum abortion instrument: the Gun. Greatest champions of the Gun: ProLifers.
ProLife GOP congress: When will you propose Rightf2Carry for fetuses to shoot PlannedParenthood docs?
NRA: Only white guys seem to have AK-assault rifles. When will you start defending the rights of Blacks to own just as many?
Coming soon? Equal Opportunity Gun Lobby to propose 2nd Amendment AK lending libraries & free ammo to White sociopaths on Welfare.
Strictly Constitutional solution to America’s Gun problem: A national Musket-4-AK Auto trade program.
Politically Correct NRA asks that their loose cannons not be called “Shooters” but “Population Control Specialists.”
Confident America will 2nd Amendment itself to extinction soon, billionaire Putin now making huge contributions to the bankrupt NRA?
GOP: Since you have no problem with SandyHook & other kids getting gunned down, might you change policy on GunControl if LaPierre, Cruz, or Greene got popped?
Christian NRA Gun Worshippers: If Jesus had had a .44 Mag, he wouldn't have been crucified - But then you wouldn't have a Savior.
Freedom Fighters: If Deep State Big Gov really wants to take your shootin irons, you got enough AKs to out-gun the Atomic Bomb?
American Exceptionalism! NRA is TaxFree under IRS 501(c) for Religious, Charitable, or Prevention of Cruelty to Children or Animals.
Both of these American "Truisms" can't be true: 1. No citizen is above the Law. 2. A sitting President can NOT be prosecuted.
"Nobody is above the law”??? Enough! Trump has been above DOJ law not just for 4 years as President, but 40 years as a libelous larcenous tax cheat felon and rapist.
IRS, FBI, SEC, SDNY, RICO: If you were competent or uncorrupt, you would have prosecuted Mafioso racketeer Trump 4 decades ago and saved us from this Cat5 shitstorm.
DOJ should be independent and usually is under Dem presidents. But Trump (Russia&UkraineGate), Nixon (Watergate), Reagan (Iran/Contra), and Bush Jr. (Iraq War 4 oil), used "their" DOJ to protect themselves and/or prosecute enemies.
AmericanExceptionalism: in their “infinite wisdom,” anti-tyranny Constitution framers gave a losing President 7 LameDuck weeks to destroy everybody who didn’t vote for him.
GOP: Since you refuse to enforce the Hatch Act, Emoluments clause, and Impeachment articles, to avoid future justice annoyances, why not patriotically vote to remove them?
America's 2-Justice system: Trump & GOP - Innocent til proved Guilty. Hillary - Guilty til proved Innocent (but the bitch is still guilty!)
When he retired #Scalia, the Reaper repeated His Honor’s own words: “Mere factual innocence is no reason not to carry out a death sentence properly reached.”
BankruptcyLaw must be changed. As it stands now, it legalizes Grand Larceny on creditors by ArtOftheSteal felons like Trump.
Since NonDisclosure Agreements – Trump’s favorite – violate a citizen’s 1stAmendment Rights, they must be declared UnConstitutional, illegal and unenforceable — retroactively.
Since the best questions to a #Scotus nominee are necessarily "hypothetical," and Conservatives (Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Barrett) refuse to answer hypotheticals, then why bother with Confirmation hearings at all?
"Christian" GOP ACA replacement: JACA (JesusAffordableCareAct) – Just Pray. If U die - no prob - U live4ever!
Since, for survival, Republicans need Democrat nonwhites to die ASAP, why is it not making an exception to its policies by providing them free contraception and abortion?
Pregnant ProLife women: For the future of the GOP, why not at least wear MAGA masks, if not on your mouths, then on your uteruses?
$1000 bill for no-maskers in LA. No-maskers: Think of this not as a fine, but a donation for the hospital or funeral expenses of those you’ve infected.
If a mouth-breather comes to the ICU with Covid but without a mask, he/she should be refused admission and told beds are already full of people they’ve sickened.
AntiMaskers: Why are you Freedom Fighters not running Unconstitutional Democrat Red Lights and Stop Signs?
Taking the Hypocritic Oath instead of Hippocratic, WalterReed spin “doctors” provide as much transparency on Tyrant Trump’s condition as Putin and Kim docs.
Covid has unmasked the Trump GOP, revealing it to no longer be the Party of ProLife, but ProDeath - at least for devil-worshipping, baby-eating liberals.
Infecting Biden, Harris, and all critics with fatal Covid would be a MAGA dream come true for Trump Typhoid Marys.
Will SCOTUS Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett prove their ProLife credentials by voting to uphold the Death Penalty, stop GunControl, and kill Obamacare for 25 million adults & children?
American Exceptionalism: Greatest clause in Constitution: “ALL men are created equal" - written and signed by slave owners.
Exceptional American Stockholm Syndroms: Black Republicans, Jewish Nazis, Trump women.
Latinos4Trump (45% in Florida & 43%Texas): How did the racist-in-chief win your hearts – by calling you rapists, criminals, scum, and caging your children?
WTF File: All Americans now saying OurLivesMatter, except one group: the original residents genocided by guns, Smallpox blankets and starvation.
Justified outrage over Jim Crow, KKK lynchings, Japanese detention camps, etc. But what about annihilation of 3 to 5 million American Indians & Gulag reservations for survivors? MAGA answer: Fuck’em - they got Coors and casinos!
Trump honored code-talkers Navahos beside portrait of Indian genocidist, Andrew Jackson. What’s next, Herr Fuhrer: Honoring Holocaust survivors beside Hitler’s portrait?
Charles Manson wanted above all to start a “HelterSkelter” race war. With his own cult members, Trump almost fulfilled his dream.
Homophobes: How do you think Alexander the Great and Caesar felt about gays in the military?
Gay rights: Jesus said nothing about #homosexuality, but actions speak louder than words: He hung with 12 guys, threw a Last Supper, then told them to eat him.
Most dangerous uncontrolled substance in Man’s 30,000 years: #Testosterone. Killing billions more than all alcohol & Schedule 1 drugs combined, now peaking with Qanon, Oath Keeper, Boogaloo and ProudBoy militia bullies.
Middle East doesn’t run on oil but on Testosterone, Hatred & Revenge. Man has not found a cure for that since Cain & Abel.
A gun gives instant power to insecure, paranoid, and/or pissed-off guys. Why not propose penis enlargements instead, NRA? Nobody dies!
GOP why not ProLife EqualOpportunity? Prosecute yourselves for condoms, vasectomies, & jerking off.
Viagra junkie, RushLimbaugh, says a woman's NO is a really a YES. That's why LorenaBobbitt Ginsu knives were invented.
How to cut down on 26,000 annual unreported rapes in US military? Cut Pentagon's $84 million annual budget for Viagra?
To the Grand Ol’ Pricks who say a raped woman must be forced to give birth: That includes your own wife, daughter or sister, right?
Difference between a pistol & a penis: No 2nd Amendment cowboy has ever been shot cleaning his penis. Except in Texas.
Cut down on rape: mandate background checks & waiting period before any misogynist gets a dick much less a license to carry below the Mason Dixon.
Jesus told disciples “make yourselves Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven.” (Matthew 19:12) How ‘bout it, Apostles Swaggart, Bakker, Falwell, et al?
GUYnecology 101: The Littler the Dick, the Bigger the Gun.
GrandOldPricks not waging WarOnWomen any more than on their dogs: They just want gals 2 sit, stay home, beg, & come when they're called.
All Trump Pussy Grabbers need to know about women they learn in the Good Book: Made from Adam's rib, tempted him w/ Serpent’s fruit, cursed to serve him and bear his children (Genesis 3:16)
Who voted against Equal Pay for women? Our nation's highest paid hookers – GOP Congress.
RightWing “Christian” reasoning on rape: If God really had a problem with it, why did He give women vaginas?
Why do so many RW Repugs refuse to call rape RAPE? Because they think they own all vaginas and wombs by authority of eminent domain.
Women: If you’d prefer not to be assaulted with a GOP-mandated sonogram – vote! Everybody else, open wide and say Ahh-merica the Free!
How to cut down on 26,000 annual unreported rapes in US military? Cut Pentagon's $84 million annual budget for Viagra?
Hillary Clinton is the most vilified woman in US political history. 30 years of investigations by GOP libel/smear machine and nothing ever proved.
Desperately insecure narcissist/exhibitionist Trump reserves his greatest hate for those he needs most: Women & Media.
Using a 3-D printer, Trump’s Proud & Boogaloo Boys try to create the perfect FamilyValues woman -- a nymphomaniac that cooks, cleans, and never says No.
Only in America can a Pro-War, Pro-Gun, Pro-CapitalPunishment activist get away with calling him or herself a “Pro-Lifer.”
GOP ProLife 3-Step: 1. Defund PlannedParenthood. 2. Overturn Roe v Wade. 3. Claim every US uterus as Eminent Domain Gov property for GOP Breeding.
Fundamentalist preachers don’t view rape pregnancy as evil work of the devil, but part of God's righteous breeding program.
How many innocents did the Old Testament God order to be aborted? Read it & weep, Reborns: Psalms137:8-9, Hosea 13:16, Isaiah 13:13-20, I Samuel 15:1-3, Ezekiel 9:1-7, II Kings 2:25.
Minorities mostly vote Democrat and will likely outbreed the GOP; so, for its life, why isn't the “Party of Lincoln” supporting minority birth control & abortion?
What does every Trump Republican think deserves more privacy than a vagina? Their tax returns.
Show the strength of your ProLife convictions, Less-Government Cruz & Co: Jail your mothers for Choosing hysterectomy, miscarriage, or menopause.
GOP why not ProLife EqualOpportunity? Prosecute yourselves for condoms, vasectomies, & jerking off.
Put your money & morals where your mouth is, Right2Lifers: Buy Babies from low-income mothers who might abort, then support each for 18 to 80 years.
Fastest way to turn an anti-Welfare ProLifer into a ProChoicer: Change the spelling of FETUS to FEED-US.
RW Christians: since you want to ban use of fetal stem cells, should they have been used to cure your messiah, Trump, from Covid, much less to save your own lives in the future?
Q of the Day: Why is it that most scumbags are against Contraception?
The 1st Choice of a Woman Choice, is to Choose not to have sex with an AntiChoice GrandOldPrick.
Man is one of the only animals that kills for sport, but we believe we alone have souls and our lives are "sacred."
Can a ProLifer be truly ProLife if he/she thinks that among God’s great creatures only human life matters?
Lion population 30,000, threatened with extinction; human pop 7 billion, skyrocketing. But, for many, 1 human life is worth more than 3,000,000 lion lives.
In an Instant Karma world, African serial killer/mutilator TrumpJr would be poached by the starving locals for the stolen gold in his teeth.
If Big Game “Thrill Kills” were outlawed, how many intrepid TrophyHunters would start bagging people out of season?
Dying in agony by the millions in medical research, haven’t innocent animals saved more lives than Jesus?
ClimateChange Deniers: Since you distrust science, if your doctor tells you you’ve got a terminal fever, fire the Snowflake & find a faith healer.
ClimateChange Apocalypse: Since only insects & viruses will survive, Trumpanzees like their chances.
Why are Trump & GOP unconcerned about GlobalWarming & rising seas? They get the hi-water yachts, the 99% get snorkels.
If #Pope doesn’t stop preaching about ClimateChange, GOP Catholics threaten to shut off the Vatican air conditioning.
Earth chain-smokes 31 Billion tons of carbon cigarettes annually. Exxon, Chevron, and BP are now working on a spring-fresh menthol brand to Kool GlobalWarming.
PetroPig Pottery Barn Rule on Environment: We break it, you taxpayers pay for it!
WTF moment for Big Oil: Drill and make Swiss cheese out of formerly stable earth and you get… earthquakes?
Instead of Arctic and ocean drilling, frack America’s Greatest Renewable Resource: The Methane-rich GOP Assholes.
MAGA, Trump? America is not just we the people, but our glorious, bountiful land which you raped and poisoned for $$$.
Palestine, 1948: Netanyahu family knocks on Abbas family door: “Hi, this is MY house now! We won’t have any problems, will we?”
Did Israel steal Palestinian land, and do they continue to do so? Would only an AntiSemite say Yes?
Israel, our friend? Ally? 50-50 Give&Take? What has it ever given us besides an entitlement attitude and a shitload of trouble?
For life of America, time for Declaration of Independence 2 - from Israel.
Fundamentalist Christians awaiting Revelation’s Rapture & Salvation: Love End-of-Times Israel but hate Jews -- except for Jesus and Jared Kushner.
WTF file: Israel was created by the Holocaust & now its leader, Netanyahu, says its greatest friend is German-blooded Trump who idolizes Hitler.
2 Steps to stop Jihad Terrorism: 1. Cut ties w/Israel and return land to Palestinians. 2. Close MidEast military bases and stop fighting for US oil corps.
The Curse of Bin Laden: “You (U.S.) love life, We (Jihadists) love death.” How can the West defeat an enemy that’s got nothing to lose?
Islamic Jihadists: How can you ever create a government when all you know how to do is terrorize and destroy?
Who’s the greatest sales rep for US military contractors (Boeing, Lockheed, GE, Raytheon, et al): ISIS. More decapitations > More profits!
Forget Iran & Isis: MiddleEast will soon be fried by GlobalWarming compliments of … the Oil Industry!
Obama refuses to investigate Bush protection of 9/11 Saudi culprits or Iraq WMD lies, costing 5,000 American lives. In gratitude GOP lynches Obama over Benghazi’s 4 casualties.
Middle East doesn’t run on oil but on Testosterone, Hatred & Revenge. Man has not found a cure for that since Cain & Abel.
MiddleEast: Reverse 1,500 years of Shiite/Sunni slaughter with an occupation & “democratic” elections: American Exceptionalism, or Psychosis?
Do #Putin in 3 steps: 1.Freeze all Russian assets in US. 2. Go Green & tank Russian oil mono-economy. 3.Hack Kremlin back to the Siberian stone age.
WTF File: Mono-economy Russia is #12 GNP in world, it hacks, poisons, & sabotages power-grids of US (#1), Germany (#4), France (#5), UK (#6) – and none of us are doing shit about it.
If Putin were taller than 5’2” and SovietUnion crash hadn’t cut his balls off, would the civilized world be weathering his little castrati shitstorm now?
Putin’s Ace in Hole: In 2016, he hacked RNC & GOP leaders too and has career ending dirt on many, not to mention receipts for all covert contributions to their campaigns.
Comrade Trump’s goal: Replace Putin as world's richest man by becoming Pres Godfather of US, turning our Democracy into a Kremlin-style Kasa Nostra.
Will Putin put slow-acting malignant poisons in #Navalny’s jail food and water so he dies of a "mysterious" disease in a year or two?
Trump’s puppet master, Putin, on track to become World’s Most Prolific Serial Killer, outdoing Russian army vet/police detective, Serhiy Tkach (80-100 victims)?
Atheism isn’t a religion. It’s a personal relationship with reality.
Reborn Christians: If you are found, I prefer to stay lost.
The more you use your gray matter, the less you see the world in black & white.
If you see absurdity everywhere, you’re being too reasonable.
Great thoughts do not come while thinking.
Why do stupid people seem “authentic,” while smart ones seem pretentious?
Those who expend the greatest effort trying to look smart, are usually the ones with the greatest fear of looking stupid.
Why is nobody listening? Because everybody is talking.
Humans have always been ruled by extroverts. For better results, why not introverts?
Humanity: A species of socially preprogrammed robots aghast at slavery.
True freedom is not a state of external independence, but an internal state of mind.
Anyone can sell himself as a slave. But who can sell himself as a free man?
One relies on the belief & validation of others to the extent that one lacks self belief.
2 Kinds of People: Doers -Those who make shit happen; Complainers – Those who let shit happen.
Only the man who takes shit, is given shit.
21st Century big question: Where does victimization end and personal responsibility begin?
We are all of us renters of life, until we buy the farm.
Life is stress: When the sphincter finally relaxes, you take your last dump and die.
The most absurd product on a planet with only one inevitability for all: Life insurance.
The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth.
Hell is not a place, it’s a feeling.
Karma would be world’s most beautiful thing… if it didn’t take so goddamn long.
Why is everybody in the obituaries always smiling, and newborns always crying?
Why we love dogs so much: they’re the only anti-depressants that work.

The author is a Pushcart Fiction Prize nominee, and has been a finalist for the Faulkner Award, Chicago Tribune Nelson Algren, America’s Best, Narrative, Glimmer Train, Helicon Nine, and Heekin Graywolf Fellowship. His current short fiction appears in The Evergreen Review, Cortland Review, The Morning Newes, Scholars & Rogues, and Inkwell.
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